Entrepreneur and Youth Business Tycoon


How to Adjust Your Startup Plans by Prince Khanuja

How to Adjust Your Startup Plans by Prince Khanuja

Introduction Startup Plans: welcome, aspiring entrepreneurs, to a discussion on the vital art of adjusting your startup plans. I’m Prince Khanuja, the founder of Khanuja Group, and I’m excited to share insights gleaned from my journey in the world of startups. Understanding the Importance of Flexibility in Startup Plans In the fast-paced realm of startups, […]
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Social Entrepreneurs Guiding the Journey by Prince Khanuja

Social Entrepreneurs Guiding the Journey by Prince Khanuja

Introduction to Social Entrepreneurs Social entrepreneurs are individuals who harness the power of business to drive social and environmental impact. Social entrepreneurs, unlike traditional entrepreneurs who prioritize profit, are driven by a deeper sense of purpose, actively seeking to create lasting change in society. Understanding Prince Khanuja’s Journey Prince Khanuja’s journey as a social entrepreneur […]
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